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Applied Information
Technologies - Digital Design
and Interactive Technologies

3 years (6 semesters)
Number of ECTS credits:
180 ECTS
Professional title:
Bachelor of Applied Science in Digital Design and Interactive Technologies

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What career follows after completing this study

Through this program, students acquire a wide range of skills and technologies, thus opening doors to various lucrative careers in the digital world, including:

Companies that hire our students are most commonly specialized in software development and IT innovations. In addition to these, companies from other sectors such as finance, government, healthcare institutions, or sectors like manufacturing, marketing, and design, which have their own products in the market and a need for engineers in user interface design, user experience, and graphic design on their teams, also hire our students.



Exploration of designers, artists, and philosophers who have been significant in transforming our perspectives and thinking. Introduction to the components of each design project: typography, color, form, grids, and structure. Uncovering the fundamental principles of layout and composition for screen media, as well as sketching techniques and visual genres in digital media design.


Learning techniques for creating unique high-quality illustrations, diagrams, graphics, and logos for a wide range of media – from academic posters to events and marketing materials, utilizing key features of Adobe Illustrator, by applying fundamental design principles.


The ability to visualize creative ideas is fundamental to the processes of designing and producing events and experiences. The skills learned in this subject will be required, developed, and applied in many other subsequent subjects.


Building a strong foundation for image processing, including sampling and reconstruction, linear filters, and geometric operations such as rotation and image distortion, with an emphasis on efficient and precise implementations. Learning techniques for manipulating the gradient domain, fast edge-preserving filters, image alignment, and image segmentation using graphs.


The aim of this subject is to introduce students to the fundamental principles of typography (the science) and inspire them to cultivate their typographic expression skills (the art).


The objective of this subject is to acquaint students with Adobe InDesign, an industry-leading software for designing pages for print and digital media. Students will acquire the software skills necessary for creating and publishing various types of materials, from printed and digital materials to interactive online documents. Additionally, they will be empowered to devise design solutions through careful visual communication.


Through this subject, students will learn about the characteristics of a successful and cohesive brand identity system. They will discover how to implement brand design across a wide range of applications for both print and interactive media, as well as how to create a comprehensive set of graphic standards.


The focus of this subject is to implement everything learned in previous subjects through a real-world project. This will enable students to apply their acquired skills in practical, real-life situations.


Students will learn how to empathize with users and understand their issues, define user needs by creating empathy maps, user personas, user stories, and user journey maps in order to comprehend their requirements.


Through this subject, students will acquire mathematical methods and tools to analyze the entire spectrum of data typically processed in user experience, from quantitative research and user testing data analysis to big data web analytics.


When studying this subject, students will begin by creating narratives and familiarizing themselves with the fundamentals of drawing. They will learn how to work in the design tool Figma and in Miro.


This subject introduces students to quantitative and qualitative research methods specific to user experience design. Students will learn to create target personas and refine content based on user feedback to provide recommendations for product and service design. Teamwork and collaboration are key aspects in mastering the skills required for this subject.


In this subject, students will learn the components of an interface and explore the design elements used to create consistent and effective user interfaces. They will delve deeper into the fundamentals and principles of visual design, including typography and color, and discover design patterns and trends before creating and evaluating prototypes.


Through this subject, students will learn how to create a usability testing plan, including defining its objectives and all the metrics they want to use for their usability tests. Based on this, they will develop a usability testing protocol by selecting tasks and composing task instructions that their users should follow.


The focus of this subject is to implement everything learned in previous subjects through a real-world project. This will enable students to apply their acquired skills in practical, real-life situations.


With this subject, through industry examples, students will become acquainted with processes, ideation, goals and tasks, strategies, tactics, and rapid prototyping. They will explore various creative problem-solving techniques that can be applied in future subjects.


This subject teaches students to create designs for commercial packaging. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving, aesthetics, form, and function of product packaging. Students will be able to generate design solutions that encompass various packaging styles.


This subject will focus on learning how to implement the principles of interactive web design. Students will learn how to implement and use HTML and CSS to create web pages in accordance with standards and accessibility.


This subject introduces students to various methodologies for designing digital games. Students will focus on key topics such as design, sketching, and prototyping. Analytical approaches to the multi-layered relationship between art and digital games are explored, building awareness of the complex nature of digital games and their status among digital arts.


This subject focuses on Adobe After Effects, the software for digital motion graphics and compositing used by professionals in film and television post-production. Techniques for finalizing processing will be covered, including image adjustments, color correction, and output settings for various media.


This subject introduces students to the fundamentals of JavaScript and its application in various JavaScript libraries. Students will learn to design and develop their interactive components and interfaces, expanding the capabilities beyond what web design languages like HTML and CSS allow on their own.


This subject will enable students to build 3D models in a digital environment by leveraging both theoretical and technical foundations. They will acquire skills in 3D modeling using Maya, along with techniques to enhance their work. Additionally, they will learn how to generate video files using their finished designs.


This subject offers students the opportunity to strengthen their proficiency in areas considered essential for all professionals, including those focused on soft skills. Through this subject, students will develop the skills and knowledge necessary to enhance their employability.


The digital era has transformed the communication process, demanding new business strategies, efficient planning, and a keen understanding of the latest dimensions of technological advancement. Through this subject, students will become acquainted with well-structured integrated marketing strategies, methodical, critical, and planned perspectives on how to effectively utilize new techniques in the real digital business environment.


This subject facilitates the development of an entrepreneurial mindset and equips students with the latest knowledge and skills vital for value generation in a knowledge-based economy. With a strong future-oriented focus, realized through forecasting both in finance and marketing, the subject will provide them with the essential toolset for commercial opportunity realization.


This subject will help students learn how to initiate projects from mere ideas. They will gain the ability to discover best practices for product design, implement product management principles, and learn how to communicate their ideas to a broad audience effectively.


Part of the skills developed through
these subjects:

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